View and Edit Site Logs - Primary User
Viewing site logs:
- Go to the sites page and find the induction you want to view
- To view your site logs and who to expect on site with search functionality
click view site logs button
Flagging contractors:
- This is the view of the flagged contractors. (Only if included in paid subscription)
Search The Logs:
- Either by induction code or by contractor name, Contracting Company Name or ID card number
Search log results:
- Contractor name (creates a link to contractor induction log), visit date, role, ID number & expiry date, contracting company name, mobile phone number, checking in box (only if included in paid subscription), medical issues (creates link), uploads (creates link), incorrectly answered questions (creates link)
Published date:
- The date this version of the induction was published
Induction version code:
- This is the induction code for the version of the induction that contractors have completed
- This shows you how many alerts have been flagged for the inductions completed by contractors to date
Contractor information:
- Lists the contractor's name, visit date, role, ID card number, ID expiry, contracting company and mobile number
Checked In:
- This gives the editor (site manager) the ability to check in their contractors as they arrive on site. (Only if included in paid subscription. See additional features for further information on this function)
Contractor alerts:
Yellow: highlights number of attempts to answer the test questions:
- If you have the questions feature (only if included in your paid subscription), this gives you an overview of how many attempts the contractor has taken to answer the questions correctly at the end of the induction
- This is also listed individually in the contractor’s profile, see contractor induction log below
Red: highlights medical issues
- This shows you if the contractor has selected that they have any medical conditions also listed individually in the contractor’s profile, see contractor induction log below
Green: to view uploads:
- This shows you an overview of the number of uploads the contractor has made into their induction.
- Also listed individually in the contractor's profile, see contractor induction log below
By clicking on the contractor's name, you will be taken into their profile for full details:
Contractor induction log:
- When you click on link to their name their personal record is shown.
- Here you can see all of the information the contractor has uploaded, such as medical issues, document uploads or incorrectly answered questions
- Date of visit, reason, safety training, number and expiry date, email address and mobile phone number:
Acknowledgements: PPE, T&C’s, over 18 and GDPR:
Emergency Contact Details: contact name, daytime number and evening number:
Question attempts (if any and alerted on previous page). You can view the details by clicking view details
Medical conditions (if any supplied and alerted on previous page)
File uploads (if any uploaded and alerted on previous page). As primary user you can view the documents the contractor has uploaded, and you can also remove these uploads if applicable. You can add additional uploads here against each contractor. For example, a better image of the CSCS card, a photo of the contractor's driver’s license or a specific certification required
Useful Links
GetOnSite website:
Primary/Editor/Viewer Portal:
Contractor Access: