NOTE: A new induction can only be created by a Primary User within the platform.
To create a new induction:
- Go into the dashboard tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page under useful links (on the right had side), click the new induction button
- Add site name, site address & postcode. Choose option for when contractors can start the induction
- GDPR: If you have your own GDPR statement which links to your policies, you can delete the statement there and replace it with your own. If you don’t have your own GDPR statement to populate this field, just leave it blank and the standard GetOnSite statement will pull through automatically
- The name of your company is also editable. E.g. name of your agency or contracting company
- The reason for visiting site is also editable
- Click save
- Upon redirection to sites tab, scroll down to newly added site and click create induction button on right hand side
- If an induction has been created in the shared section (Initial set up of first site or by Primary User), then this induction will automatically pull through and you will have a template to follow when replacing the new site slides
- Page 1 – Page title, edit text, upload/edit images, upload/edit videos, upload/edit audio, upload / edit PDF files. You can upload multiple media on each page or keep one slide to a page if you prefer – Click save
- Page 2 – as above
- Add / remove pages as necessary
- Click save once amendments have been made
- Delete steps accordingly if not required or being replaced
- Edit steps accordingly if new or additional information is required for each induction
There is also the option to add more steps into the induction at the bottom.
- Uploading an image into the induction:
- To upload a PowerPoint document, you will first have to save the PowerPoint document as a JPEG file:
- Select to save all as individual files
- You can then upload these into the system by selecting add image at the bottom of the induction build page
- Select choose file to upload your JPEG image
- You can also add additional images/audio/text/video below each page. This will show on one page in the induction presentation. This can be useful to keep the continuation of information
- Ensure any amendments to the induction are saved
- Edit multiple choice questions
- Click edit step button under multiple choice questions
- Add/Edit additional questions
- Click edit step button under additional questions
- Create your own type of questions to gather useful information. Choosing from either; yes/no, free text, number, or file upload, you can add up to 20 questions unique to your company
- Each question has the option to be mandatory
- Questions can be flagged to the editor (site manager)
- Edit additional questions (please see upgrade features for more information on this function)
- Click edit step button under additional questions
- Create your own type of questions to gather useful information
- Choosing from either; yes/no, free text, number, or file upload, you can add up to 30 questions unique to your company
- Each question has the option to be mandatory
- Questions can be flagged to the editor (site manager)
- Adding an additional question
- The top text box is for the question
- Choose if you would like to make this question mandatory (must answer before they can move on). Tick the box to make this mandatory
- Question response options: There are four types of question you can select
- Free text: This is any text, e.g. mixture of letters and numbers like a National Insurance number or Driving License number
- Number: This is numerical data only, e.g. phone number
- Yes or No: Choice of Yes or No only answer
- File upload: This can be any picture file - JPEG, PNG or PDF. This can be used for additional uploads such as certificates, specialist cards or DBS certificate
*Named uploads are available for use in the Upload Section
Once finished creating the questions, click the ‘back to induction’ button
Inductee, Contracting Companies
In this section you can enter the names of the contracting companies or agencies of your contractors.
- After you had added the companies, click save
- This will show on the information page at the start of the induction. The contractor can click on the drop down box and all the companies you have entered will show in this list. There is also an option to enter their own text
Personal Protective Equipment
- Edit Personal Protective Equipment: click edit step button under Personal Protective Equipment
- You can set the standard PPE requirement on the organisation page
- Additional PPE is also optional. Choose additional items of PPE to be either compulsory, recommended, supplied or not needed, if the standard PPE differs from site to site
Contractor Uploads
- This enables the contractor to upload a file/document or image (JPEG, PNG or PDF) during the induction, for example CSCS cards and PASMA or IPAF certificates
- Click edit step and choose from the options below:
- Here you can add site specific upload text to be seen by the contractor when completing the induction.
- Underneath the main text box, you have the option to select can skip uploading if you would like all of the upload(s) to be optional and the user can choose to upload or not.
- Tick the box must check ‘authorised by principal contractor to skip’ if you would like the contractor to opt out of uploading. For example if you have a lot of head office staff on site who do not need to upload CSCS cards
- If you require specific uploads to be mandatory, you can use the named uploads below the main text box
- You can have up to 20 separate named uploads
- If you do not wish to specify all of the document names, you can add the text:
- Name: 'Card/Certification 1' (Card/Certification 2, Card/Certification 3 and so on)
- Instructions (Optional): 'Please upload your Card or Certification here:'
- Once you have added the upload information, for example:
- Name section: CSCS Card – Front
- Instructions (optional): add specific document upload instruction
- Click the ‘is this upload mandatory’ box so that the operatives cannot move on in the induction until ALL mandatory marked questions have uploads next to them
- Click ‘create named upload’ to add the upload request
- If the requirements on your sites change, there is an option to copy this text to all other inductions
- Once completed click save
Minor or major Change
- When you have finished populating the induction:
- Check the tick box (when required) if existing contractors are allowed continued access to the site without being required to retake the induction (leave unticked if contractors are required to retake the induction even after work has started)
- Click publish induction
- A new PIN code and site access code will then be created for the site and you will be taken back to the sites page