We have a new feature where you can add your standard test questions to the shared section, This means that every time you create a new induction, you can choose to have these questions pull through to the new build.
This section is part of the templates for all new builds if you select to use them. You can amend any of these once the induction is built, if you should need to.
See how to below:
Go the Dashboard page on the platform and you will see the shared questions tab as below:
Click on this tab and here you can populate the shared questions section, as you would if you were building a regular induction.
Choose the number of questions you will require to be answered correctly in order for the operative to move on. Remember, if you choose, for example, 8 out of 10, the system will randomly choose 8 out of the 10 set questions and the operative will need to answer them all correctly before moving on in their induction
Here you can populate the question section as you would in a regular induction build.
Once you have added all of your standard test question, there is no need to save as this is done each time a question is created
This is now ready to be used when you create your next induction:
When you create a new induction, you will be taken to the New Site page. After you have entered all the relevant site-specific details, you can tick the box to 'enable shared questions' before saving.