Can I save the Contractor's log?
You can save as PDF or print the Contractor's log should you need to.
- Login to
- Enter your login details
- Click on ‘View Site Logs’, next to the site name on the right-hand side. You will then be able to see a list of people who have completed the induction
- Find the Contractor’s log you wish to save as PDF or print
Before you save or print, you will need to open up the answers view within the Contractor’s log:
**This needs to be done first as the PDF will only print/save what is showing on the screen**
On the Sites page click on the view site logs link:
Click on the Contractor’s name to access their log:
Then scroll down the log to the Test questions section and click on the View Details button to open up the test questions section:
Then do the same in the Additional questions* section: (*If you have this feature in your subscription)
As you can see in the example section above, if the contractor has answered NO to the question you need a Yes to, viewable in the log will be an orange bar, as above, which is the alert for the site manager**
Once you have opened the view for both question sections, scroll back to the top of the page:
Click on the Print to PDF button:
In the options as to where to print, you can select Save as PDF
Click save and this will download to your device, and this is then the digital copy you can save
You can select your printer from the list on your device and print a hard copy.