Contractor uploads
- This enables the contractor to upload a file/document or image (JPEG, PNG or PDF) during the induction, for example CSCS cards.
- Click edit step and choose from the options:
- Here you can add document upload instructions to be seen by the contractor when completing the induction
- If the requirements on your sites change and you need to amend the text, there is an option to copy the amended text to all other inductions
- You have the option to select can skip uploading if you would like the upload to be optional and the user can choose to upload or not
- Tick the box must check ‘authorised by principal contractor' to skip if you would like the contractor to opt out of uploading. For example, if you have a lot of head office staff on site who do not need to upload CSCS cards
- You can also choose which documents to make mandatory to upload by using the named upload option
- You can also choose to make a named document optional to upload or mandatory by ticking the box
- Uploads marked with a red asterisk have been made mandatory
- You can have up to 20 documents uploaded in this section
- Once completed click create named upload button and when you have finished, click the back to induction button