Platform Tabs Glossary - Primary User
This is your platform tab glossary where you can navigate through the different pages.
Dashboard (this is your default view) This is an overall view of your companies inductions. You can access active inductions, completed inductions and flagged contractors. Also you can create new inductions from this page.
Sites Visibility of all your active and closed sites (if the red & yellow flagging feature is active you will also have visibility of your flagged contractors).
Profile This is where you can update your personal information and change your password.
Shared Sections This is where the first induction is built, which can then be copied to create new sites. Any additional site specifics (which may include: site address, site maps, Health & Safety manager etc) need to be added for new sites.
Company This is where you can securely manage your company information.
Users This is where you invite and manage staff access and permissions for primary users, editors and viewers, allowing you to control what users can see and edit.