How do I know who has completed an induction?
If you want to check if you operatives have completed their site inductions, you need to follow these easy steps below:
- Login to
- Enter your login details
- In the 'Sites' tab, find the site name
- Click on ‘View Site Logs’, next to the site name on the right-hand side. You will then be able to see a list of people who have completed the induction
- We use a traffic light system which shows you any additional information about the person who has completed the induction:
- Yellow - if they have answered any induction questions incorrectly
- Red - if they have listed any medical issues or from an additional question alert
- Green – if they have uploaded any documents, CSCS or an I.D card for example
- If a contractor isn’t listed in the induction site log it could mean one of two things; they haven’t accepted the GetOnSite invitation that was sent with the induction PIN or they haven’t been asked to access to the GetOnSite platform
- Once their details, documents and any alerts have been checked and verified by the Site Manager, the Site Manager can then click the 'checked in' box on the site logs, check them in, and allow them on site